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Boxing Workout Ideas for Personal Trainers

Is this you?

My clients love my boxing workouts... and i've got some pretty cool drills! BUT... I've only got so many variations and i'm worried that i'll just keep the repeating the same drills over and over again... and my clients will notice and start to get bored!

And I know I could find new workouts on YouTube... but there's only so many of them and most of them are crap so it takes ages to find a good one!

How much less overwhelmed would it feel if you had lifetime access to a whole heap of proven, tested Boxing Workouts... That you could log in at any time and get a whole heap of different drills and workouts that you've never used before?? 

Instead of spending all your time and mental energy trying to think up a perfect workout from scratch... or trying to think of a different way to modify your current workout... 

You could just use our workouts exactly and then spend that time / energy on whatever you want... Other aspects of your business... Spending more time with your friends / family... Or even just getting a few extra minutes sleep because you're not tossing and turning at night trying to think of how to vary up your workout!

Boxing Workouts Ideas for Personal Trainers

Regular: $97

Current Special: $19.95

"These videos are a godsend"
"I'm a PT and Bootcamp Instructor in Auckland New Zealand and just starting running a Boxing Bootcamp. I've just purchased Fitness Education Online's Boxing Workouts for Bootcamp (which I heard about via Facebook) and your videos are a godsend. The drills are great to change up my regular bootcamp too" - Amy Roper (Personal Trainer)

Boxing Workouts Ideas for Personal Trainers

Regular: $97

Current Special: $19.95

What's actually covered in the course...

Boxing Workout Ideas for Personal Trainers

Introduction to Boxing for Fitness

What gloves / pads to use & how to keep them hygienic

Boxing Warm Ups

Boxing Combo Workouts

Boxing Drills with Pads

Boxing Workouts with Pads

Boxing Partner Workouts

Boxing Circuit Workout Ideas

Boxing HIIT Workouts / HIIT Boxing Workouts

Boxing Workouts for Beginners

Shadow Boxing Workouts

Boxing Workout Class Examples

Tips on how to grow your Boxing classes

Boxing Workouts Ideas for Personal Trainers

Regular: $97

Current Special: $19.95


"I’m a newly qualified P.T, but have been instructing Metafit Classes ever since completing Cert III, I also recently completed a boxing course, and to say I’ve been nervous about my up and coming Bootcamp and Boxing Classes launch is an understatement, but since spending the entire day watching the Free Fitness Game Videos and Boxing Workouts Course, I feel much more confident!! Both had great content and easy to follow and understand. Thanks guys! I’ll be back for more."

-Charlotte Green

"I've been watching the boxing videos and I wanted to thank you for sharing your ideas, I've been able to throw in some of the drills you've shared and used some of the ideas to tweak my old drills. Its made planning fun again and the ideas are simple and effective. My boxing crew love it, so happy crew, happy instructor ...can't beat that!"

-Melanie Quinn

“I liked that I could do the course on line. It was an efficient use of time and money. I liked the course notes and extensive links. Also the ongoing involvement and education via the VIP Facebook group”

-Equilibrium Health Services

"Thank you that is amazing, i have done some of these but i love the way you have explained and video demo for it. This has really helped me”.

-MichelleEnergise You PT

Boxing Workouts Ideas for Personal Trainers

Regular: $97

Current Special: $19.95